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Introduction |
Posted by: Shadsy - 07-19-2012, 08:31 AM - Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (1)
Hello there, I want to make games!
That is why I'm here trying to learn how to do programming, specifically Java.
I would say that I am a proficient sprite artist already, but there really isn't anything you can do with sprites by themselves, so why not learn how to do everything yourself? c:
Yeah, in way over my head, right?
Directory / article listing web site need advise. |
Posted by: learn2success - 07-17-2012, 04:03 AM - Forum: Off-Topic
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Dear Members,
i am seriously planing to build a directory listing web site. [PHPlink Directory] i think they are the best at present. [if you any one else pls share].
What do you think it is worth to spend money on this project ?
i knew now days it is not much worth in SEO to get a link from a directory listing web site but people / companies still submitting there web site to directories.
also i have estimated the setup cost to me around $200/- which is not bad.
please please advise!
Remove Enemy [Game Issue] |
Posted by: Vinwarez - 07-14-2012, 11:12 AM - Forum: Programming Help
- Replies (3)
When you hit an enemy, it removes from the screen, but if you shoot at the position it was, you will still get score. I need help removing it from the screen FOREVER.
Here is the code:
Code: 'TODO: Check for collisions with enemies here
If bullet.Bounds.IntersectsWith(Me.enemy.Bounds) Then
Score += 5
End If
Android vs Apple which are you? |
Posted by: josephb19 - 07-13-2012, 02:18 PM - Forum: Off-Topic
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Just curious who prefers Android or Apple lol. I've experienced both from phones to computers. I personally like Android cause it is much easier to root and customize to my liking. But from a computers stand point I really love their computers except they can be a little pricey. But then again creating your own computer for the same price is worth it.
The Forum has Received a Small Update! |
Posted by: brandonio21 - 07-13-2012, 01:29 PM - Forum: Off-Topic
- Replies (3)
Hello members of BP Forums! Today I'd like to announce something rather small, but it is big in concept!
Today I have given BP Forums a very small update. The first piece of the update being that each member now has the ability to send and receive infinite amounts of private messages! This will help with communication between members, and ultimately allow us to better interact with eachother.
Also, there are now ranks on BP Forums. Specifically, this means that you rank up with how many posts that you, well, post. The ranks are as follows:
- Curious Learner (10 Posts)
- The Answer to Everything (42 Posts)
- Binge Poster (43 Posts)
- Dedicated Poster (50 Posts)
- More-Than-Dedicated Poster (75 Posts)
- Neutral (100 Posts)
- Friendly (125 Posts)
- Honored (150 Posts)
- Revered (175 Posts)
- Exalted (200 Posts)
- Super Member (300 Posts)
- Better than the Spartans (301 Posts)
- Truly Outrageous! (350 Posts)
- Power Poster (400 Posts)
- "> (10*5)" (500 Posts)
The names of these ranks have come from various books, video games, movies, and my own brain. More will be added intermittently, so stay tuned for that!
Also, there is now a Video Tutorial section where users can post their own video tutorials and request new tutorials from other users. I am hoping that this forum section will allow us to truly help out other members by providing communication about video tutorials themselves.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the updates!
Launching Projectile [Game Issue] |
Posted by: Vinwarez - 07-13-2012, 01:08 PM - Forum: Programming Help
- Replies (11)
Hello. I am trying to write a Space Shooter game in Visual Basic. Since I've started like a half hour ago, I made the player spaceship movement and the projectile launching.
The projectile launching is triggered by pressing the Space bar key. However, the same one will launch all the time. For better understanding, here are two screenshoots:
Description: Shortly after the first time I press space.
Description: Shortly after the second time I press space while the previous projectile was still in the form.
I assume you've read the image descriptions and seen what is the problem. If you still cannot understand what is the problem, let me explain better. If I just launch the projectile, it will start moving, let's say it reached the middle of the form and now I launch it again, the previous projectile won't reach the end of the form and then disappear, it will teleport to the beginning (a bit above the Spaceship).
Here is the code I use: Code: Dim pro As New PictureBox
Private Sub spawnProjectile()
pro.Image = proj
pro.Visible = True
pro.Width = 9
pro.Height = 32
pro.Top = Player.Top - 20
pro.Left = Player.Left + 20
End Sub
I assume you will tell me to move the PictureBox declaration inside the Sub. I've tried that and it doesn't work since the timer which moves it cannot access the variable inside the sub.
So, the main problem is accessing the variable which is inside the sub.
When I finish the game, I will post the download link on this forum. Hopefully the game will be a decent one.
Anyway, thanks in advance.