08-05-2011, 03:47 AM
I have searched Googly Woogly everywhere over the past couple of days for this and can't find a definite solution anywhere.
What I need is some code or a component or something that will allow me to place a Horizontal Ruler and a Vertical Number List on a Rich Text Box in Visual Basic 2010.
The vertical numberlist would be automated where a new line creates a new number etc. You know what I am getting at.
Anyways, does anyone have that magical piece of code or know where one could get it?
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hock: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt="
hock:" title="Shocked" /><!-- s
hock: -->
What I need is some code or a component or something that will allow me to place a Horizontal Ruler and a Vertical Number List on a Rich Text Box in Visual Basic 2010.
The vertical numberlist would be automated where a new line creates a new number etc. You know what I am getting at.
Anyways, does anyone have that magical piece of code or know where one could get it?
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