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Hello, I would like to make it so when I update my program and put it up on dropbox in place of the old one it will begin to download it automatically when the user starts the application next. But not only do I want it to do that but I want it to replace the old version. Could one of you guys help me with this?
My method might not be the best but here's a way to do it .

First of all make a separate project that can download/instal the new version and also that can delete/unistal the old version

Second write the code to check for a new version in a separate thread that will run in the backgroud(so that the application will not become unresponsive while it checkes)and run the tread on form load.

I will not provide any code snippet as this is a general idea and you must work your way out of this partialy at least.
Sssssssssoftware developer...
Snake_eyes Wrote:First of all make a separate project that can download/instal[l] the new version and also that can delete/unistal[l] the old version
Or you could make a separate project that simply replaces the files within the directory instead of uninstalling/installing. If you want to make it easier, though, you could use a Self-Extracting Archive made by WinRAR or 7-Zip or something of the like.

Snake_eyes Wrote:Second write the code to check for a new version in a separate thread that will run in the backgroud(so that the application will not become unresponsive while it checkes)and run the tread on form load.
Precisely. Make sure you write it on a separate thread so update checking doesn't cause your program to load unnecessarily slowly. This can also be done with the built in BackgroundWorker object, which is essentially another thread.
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