05-30-2011, 09:12 AM
Hey! First of all welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay!
In order to use UpdateVB, you need to package all the files that your application needs into a Self Extracting Archive (WinRAR Helps alot with this), every picture, icon, .dll file, .exe file, everything. Then you just need to copy/paste the link of that file into your program under Updatevb1.checkforupdates(). And that should do it.
In order to use UpdateVB, you need to package all the files that your application needs into a Self Extracting Archive (WinRAR Helps alot with this), every picture, icon, .dll file, .exe file, everything. Then you just need to copy/paste the link of that file into your program under Updatevb1.checkforupdates(). And that should do it.