01-19-2013, 02:49 PM
Snake_eyes Wrote:First of all make a separate project that can download/instal[l] the new version and also that can delete/unistal[l] the old versionOr you could make a separate project that simply replaces the files within the directory instead of uninstalling/installing. If you want to make it easier, though, you could use a Self-Extracting Archive made by WinRAR or 7-Zip or something of the like.
Snake_eyes Wrote:Second write the code to check for a new version in a separate thread that will run in the backgroud(so that the application will not become unresponsive while it checkes)and run the tread on form load.Precisely. Make sure you write it on a separate thread so update checking doesn't cause your program to load unnecessarily slowly. This can also be done with the built in BackgroundWorker object, which is essentially another thread.