08-16-2012, 09:18 AM
This is a nice small application. Sometimes it takes a billion years for a website to load, so I am not sure if my connection is down or not (sometimes it doesn't shows that internet is down). I find this helpful. However, I think it could be even better. Here is a challenge for you; try making it so it recognizes if you are connected to LAN. For example, if I set my IP to 192.168.0.<any number bigger than 0> it recognizes that I am connected to LAN. That would make this application even more helpful/nicer, in my opinion. <!-- s --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt="" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s -->
Also known as Rocketalypse.
System.out.println("I prefer Java.");
System.out.println("I prefer Java.");