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Awesome control and some help and ideas needed.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... x4072439xx</a><!-- m -->
Here is an amazing control that Brandon and I were discussing today. Does anyone have an idea of how to use the AutoComplete feature in VB?
Another thing - does anyone have an idea of how to use a custom syntax file with it?
This is what is shown from the code converter

Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports FastColoredTextBoxNS
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions

Namespace Tester
    Public Partial Class AutocompleteSample2
        Inherits Form
        Private popupMenu As AutocompleteMenu
        Private keywords As String() = {"abstract", "as", "base", "bool", "break", "byte", _
            "case", "catch", "char", "checked", "class", "const", _
            "continue", "decimal", "default", "delegate", "do", "double", _
            "else", "enum", "event", "explicit", "extern", "false", _
            "finally", "fixed", "float", "for", "foreach", "goto", _
            "if", "implicit", "in", "int", "interface", "internal", _
            "is", "lock", "long", "namespace", "new", "null", _
            "object", "operator", "out", "override", "params", "private", _
            "protected", "public", "readonly", "ref", "return", "sbyte", _
            "sealed", "short", "sizeof", "stackalloc", "static", "string", _
            "struct", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", _
            "typeof", "uint", "ulong", "unchecked", "unsafe", "ushort", _
            "using", "virtual", "void", "volatile", "while", "add", _
            "alias", "ascending", "descending", "dynamic", "from", "get", _
            "global", "group", "into", "join", "let", "orderby", _
            "partial", "remove", "select", "set", "value", "var", _
            "where", "yield"}
        Private methods As String() = {"Equals()", "GetHashCode()", "GetType()", "ToString()"}
        Private snippets As String() = {"if(^)" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "if(^)" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}" & vbLf & "else" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "for(^;;)${" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "while(^)" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "do${" & vbLf & "^;" & vbLf & "}while();", "switch(^)" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & "case : break;" & vbLf & "}"}
        Private declarationSnippets As String() = {"public class ^" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & "}", "private class ^" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & "}", "internal class ^" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & "}", "public struct ^" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "private struct ^" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "internal struct ^" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", _
            "public void ^()" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "private void ^()" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "internal void ^()" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "protected void ^()" & vbLf & "{" & vbLf & ";" & vbLf & "}", "public ^{ get; set; }", "private ^{ get; set; }", _
            "internal ^{ get; set; }", "protected ^{ get; set; }"}

        Public Sub New()

            'create autocomplete popup menu
            popupMenu = New AutocompleteMenu(fastColoredTextBox1)
            popupMenu.Items.ImageList = imageList1
            popupMenu.SearchPattern = "[\w\.:=!<>]"
        End Sub

        Private Sub BuildAutocompleteMenu()
            Dim items As New List(Of AutocompleteItem)()

            For Each item As var In snippets
                items.Add(New SnippetAutocompleteItem(item) With { _
                    Key .ImageIndex = 1 _
            For Each item As var In declarationSnippets
                items.Add(New DeclarationSnippet(item) With { _
                    Key .ImageIndex = 0 _
            For Each item As var In methods
                items.Add(New MethodAutocompleteItem(item) With { _
                    Key .ImageIndex = 2 _
            For Each item As var In keywords
                items.Add(New AutocompleteItem(item))

            items.Add(New InsertSpaceSnippet())
            items.Add(New InsertSpaceSnippet("^(\w+)([=<>!:]+)(\w+)$"))
            items.Add(New InsertEnterSnippet())

            'set as autocomplete source
        End Sub

        ''' <summary>
        ''' This item appears when any part of snippet text is typed
        ''' </summary>
        Private Class DeclarationSnippet
            Inherits SnippetAutocompleteItem
            Public Sub New(snippet As String)
            End Sub

            Public Overrides Function Compare(fragmentText As String) As CompareResult
                Dim pattern = Regex.Replace(fragmentText, FastColoredTextBoxNS.FindForm.RegexSpecSymbolsPattern, "\$0")
                If Regex.IsMatch(Text, "\b" & pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) Then
                    Return CompareResult.Visible
                End If
                Return CompareResult.Hidden
            End Function
        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' Divides numbers and words: "123AND456" -> "123 AND 456"
        ''' Or "i=2" -> "i = 2"
        ''' </summary>
        Private Class InsertSpaceSnippet
            Inherits AutocompleteItem
            Private pattern As String

            Public Sub New(pattern As String)
                Me.pattern = pattern
            End Sub

            Public Sub New()
            End Sub

            Public Overrides Function Compare(fragmentText As String) As CompareResult
                If Regex.IsMatch(fragmentText, pattern) Then
                    Text = InsertSpaces(fragmentText)
                    If Text <> fragmentText Then
                        Return CompareResult.Visible
                    End If
                End If
                Return CompareResult.Hidden
            End Function

            Public Function InsertSpaces(fragment As String) As String
                Dim m = Regex.Match(fragment, pattern)
                If m Is Nothing Then
                    Return fragment
                End If
                If m.Groups(1).Value = "" AndAlso m.Groups(3).Value = "" Then
                    Return fragment
                End If
                Return (m.Groups(1).Value & " " & m.Groups(2).Value & " " & m.Groups(3).Value).Trim()
            End Function

            Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ToolTipTitle() As String
                    Return Text
                End Get
            End Property
        End Class

        ''' <summary>
        ''' Inerts line break after '}'
        ''' </summary>
        Private Class InsertEnterSnippet
            Inherits AutocompleteItem
            Private enterPlace As Place = Place.Empty

            Public Sub New()
                MyBase.New("[Line break]")
            End Sub

            Public Overrides Function Compare(fragmentText As String) As CompareResult
                Dim r = Parent.Fragment.Clone()
                While r.Start.iChar > 0
                    If r.CharBeforeStart = "}"C Then
                        enterPlace = r.Start
                        Return CompareResult.Visible
                    End If

                End While

                Return CompareResult.Hidden
            End Function

            Public Overrides Function GetTextForReplace() As String
                'extend range
                Dim r As Range = Parent.Fragment
                Dim [end] As Place = r.[End]
                r.Start = enterPlace
                r.[End] = r.[End]
                'insert line break
                Return Environment.NewLine + r.Text
            End Function

            Public Overrides Sub OnSelected(popupMenu As AutocompleteMenu, e As SelectedEventArgs)
                MyBase.OnSelected(popupMenu, e)
                If Parent.Fragment.tb.AutoIndent Then
                End If
            End Sub

            Public Overrides ReadOnly Property ToolTipTitle() As String
                    Return "Insert line break after '}'"
                End Get
            End Property
        End Class
    End Class
End Namespace
THis might help a lot: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... x4028470xx</a><!-- m -->
someone asked the same qustion right there, and apparently got the answer.
Anyone figured anything out? I've gotten so close, but not there.

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