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Trimming a label
I was contacted the other day asking to hand over a code snippet that trimmed a label if it was too long, making it display "...". So, I crafted a method that would do so!

'This method is intended to trim a label that is too long and replace it with
    'dots where there would normally be stuff
    'Made by Brandon Milton,
    Public Sub TrimLabel(ByVal label As Label, ByVal MaxCharCount As Integer)
            If (label.Text.Length > MaxCharCount) Then
                Dim remaining As Integer = label.Text.Length - MaxCharCount
                label.Text = label.Text.Remove(MaxCharCount - 4, 4 + remaining)
                label.Text = label.Text & "..."
            End If
    End Sub

Dim Label As New Label
Label.Text = "Hello my name is Brandon"
TrimLabel(Label, 10) 'Trims to a max of 10
With this usage, the output displayed is Hello ... which was trimmed from the original "Hello my name is Brandon"

Pastebin version: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
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I just stumbled upon this post and when I saw the code, it reminded me on something.

Quote:Public Sub TrimLabel(ByVal label As Label, ByVal MaxCharCount As Integer)
Does "ByVal" means decalring a parameter for method? Like in Java?

Would it be something like this in Java?
public void TrimLabel(label Label, int MaxCharCount){
(Even though I am not sure if type label exists. I assume it would be JLabel or something.)
Also known as Rocketalypse.
System.out.println("I prefer Java.");
Vinwarez Wrote:Does "ByVal" means decalring a parameter for method? Like in Java?

This is exactly right! Of course, I don't think that ByVal is completely necessary in VB.NET. For example, I think the code snippet
Public Sub TrimLabel(label As Label,MaxCharCount As Integer)
Would also work.

But yes, you are right!
My Blog | My Setup | My Videos | Have a wonderful day.

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  Editable Label brandonio21 2 11,880 01-04-2013, 09:30 PM
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