04-01-2011, 12:23 AM
i made an encrypter function which encrypts text by replacing the letters with some random binary numbers i want to make something more advanced which is included in vb.
I looked on youtube but didnt find anything advanced but easy PLZ HELP. <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt="" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s -->
I looked on youtube but didnt find anything advanced but easy PLZ HELP. <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_rolleyes.gif" alt=":roll:" title="Rolling Eyes" /><!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt="" title="Very Happy" /><!-- s -->
Public Function encrypt() As String
Dim letat, letspace, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z As String
Dim outcome As String
letat = "@"
letspace = " "
a = "a"
b = "b"
c = "c"
d = "d"
e = "e"
f = "f"
g = "g"
h = "h"
i = "i"
j = "j"
k = "k"
l = "l"
m = "m"
n = "n"
o = "o"
p = "p"
q = "q"
r = "r"
s = "s"
t = "t"
u = "u"
v = "v"
w = "w"
x = "x"
y = "y"
z = "z"
outcome = TextBox1.Text
outcome = Replace(outcome, letat, "0100101101100110000010011010000")
outcome = Replace(outcome, letspace, "10111011010110010100111110011011010101100100000110010100101100010110000100100000101011101010001010")
outcome = Replace(outcome, a, "1110000001111000111001110001010101011110110010010000100100010110111011010110000111101110100")
outcome = Replace(outcome, b, "1101110010011001110001100110110001001011000101010100000100001111110101111110111000111000010")
outcome = Replace(outcome, c, "00011000100100111001100001111010001010000001011100000101110000110010111110010101010110111110011100100")
outcome = Replace(outcome, d, "0000011000010010")
outcome = Replace(outcome, e, "1110110001101110100111111010001101000011100100101011101110100000101001001010011101000100101010100100")
outcome = Replace(outcome, f, "1001001010011100")
outcome = Replace(outcome, g, "1111011011100000")
outcome = Replace(outcome, h, "0100000001101110")
outcome = Replace(outcome, i, "0101110000000111")
outcome = Replace(outcome, j, "1001000111010000")
outcome = Replace(outcome, k, "0010100011010000")
outcome = Replace(outcome, l, "1000000001111010")
outcome = Replace(outcome, m, "1010110000100011")
outcome = Replace(outcome, n, "1011111000100111")
outcome = Replace(outcome, o, "0000000000000000")
outcome = Replace(outcome, p, "0011110101001000")
outcome = Replace(outcome, q, "0001110011011011")
outcome = Replace(outcome, r, "0000111010001010")
outcome = Replace(outcome, s, "1012020201102")
outcome = Replace(outcome, t, "11101010001110110110101011000101010100000001110110101011110101111100100101101000001011000101001")
outcome = Replace(outcome, u, "1110101100001011")
outcome = Replace(outcome, v, "1011111001110000")
outcome = Replace(outcome, w, "1000110010010001")
outcome = Replace(outcome, x, "1001111010000011")
outcome = Replace(outcome, y, "0101100001010110")
outcome = Replace(outcome, z, "1011111010010001")
encrypt = outcome
Return encrypt
End Function