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  Exceptions help
Posted by: brco900033 - 08-04-2013, 08:28 AM - Forum: Programming Help - Replies (3)

Hello everyone

I have two questions that are bothering me now for a long time but can't find any answers to it. These questions are about Exceptions in VB.NET.

- I know what the Try...Catch block does, it catches any errors, but how far do you have to go? For example you want to open a file but it is
possible that the file doesn't exist then you use the Try...Catch, I know that. Is it also needed for example changing the text of a textbox or editing items in a treeview...

- The second question is about the Finally block. Let's say we've downloaded a file but there occurres an error during the downloading process, the Catch block catches the error... and then I want to remove the downloaded file if it exists. Then there is a possibility that the file doesn't exist so if I write

in the Finally block it throws a second exception right? or does VB.NET take care of that automatically?

Thanks, Brecht

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  Java Game Help
Posted by: ThreeLeBlancs - 07-28-2013, 04:21 PM - Forum: Java - Replies (1)

Hello! I am creating my own game in java. I want to have it so it gives you choices and if you say left, there is a different option for it than if you typed right. When the first line of code pops up in the console, I can type, the same for second and the third, but when I want to type Left I can't type anything. Here is my code. Also I am using Eclipse. The same program that BrandonioProductions uses. Also you probably know his youtube is but here it is anyways. <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/BrandonioProductions">www.youtube.com/user/BrandonioProductions</a><!-- w -->

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Island {

static Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{
System.out.println("You awake to find yourself on an island in the middle of the sea.");
System.out.println("You then walk around the island, in which you find two paths.");
System.out.println("Choose from the left cobble path, or the right class path.");

public String message;

public Island() {
if (message.equals("Left"));
System.out.println("You then walk down the left path.");


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  How do you use this?
Posted by: Ecnarf - 07-09-2013, 10:06 PM - Forum: Programming Help - No Replies

I recently downloaded Bass from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.un4seen.com/">http://www.un4seen.com/</a><!-- m --> and I am trying to figure out how to stream audio from a url with it and make a visualizer. I haven't been able to find a single tutorial and it is driving me insane.

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  HTTP or FTP server
Posted by: brco900033 - 07-09-2013, 10:02 AM - Forum: Off-Topic - Replies (1)

Hello BP Forums

I'm making an automated updater (in control library) but don't know if it's better for the people that use the control to supply the files via FTP or HTTP.

I find it kind of hard to explain but doing my best: make an updater that downloads files from FTP or HTTP?

It might be a stupid question but I can't decide what to take.

Mvg, brco

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  Digit Extractor Help
Posted by: MPratik - 06-28-2013, 11:12 AM - Forum: Java - Replies (1)

I tried to give the user a choice of which one they would like so I created a new scanner to take the input, and created a new string for it and then i created an if statement that took either "A" or "a" (if (in2 = "A" + "a") ) and then I made another one, an else if with the same method, and then i wrote an else if they wrote something else all together. But whenever I input either A, a or B, b, it will just show the else option.
The code is below in case you didn't understand what I was trying to say:
[code2=java]import java.util.Scanner;
public class DigitExtratorTester {

static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
static Scanner input2 = new Scanner(System.in);

public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Welcome to the Digit Extractor. Please enter 5 digits of your choice:");
String in = input.nextLine();
System.out.println("Would you like it done either" + "\n" + "A) Mathematically" + "\n" + "or B)Conceptually?" + " \n" + "*Please choose either A or B*");
String in2 = input2.nextLine();
if (in2 == "A")
DigitExtractor demath = new DigitExtractor(Integer.parseInt(in));
else if (in2 == "B")
DigitExtractor deconceptual = new DigitExtractor(in);
System.out.println("You done goof my friend!");



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  Snake Game (Tutorial Edition)
Posted by: brandonio21 - 06-23-2013, 10:20 PM - Forum: Code Snippets - Replies (1)

So I just spent about 3 hours recording a 6-part tutorial series demonstrating how to make the classic game "snake" in Java. Although I still have to edit each video, upload it, make the code package, etc, I would like to share the final ideas with you early!

The project consists of three main classes:
**Direction - holds enumerations relating to the    direction that the snake can travel
**snakeApplet - creates an applet that the canvas can run in
**snakeCanvas - a canvas object that calculates all the snake game's logic and draws the game.

So, when I previously made snake I had a difficulty figuring out how to make all of the body parts turn when they reached the point where the user pressed the arrow key. Well, I came to a realization when making this tutorial series. Instead of actually moving the various body parts across the grid, I could create a new head and delete the tail. This would resolve the issue of every body part actually having to turn and would allow for calculations to be much more efficient. Here's a visual of my new understanding:

Because of this, all calculations can now happen before any visualization is displayed. The tail is snipped and all calculations occur before the new head is placed.

Watch the tutorial series starting with number one, found here:

Get the working source code here (Covers until part 6):

.zip   SnakeTutorialSource.zip (Size: 2.22 KB / Downloads: 4081)

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  Brandonsoft Redesign
Posted by: brandonio21 - 06-20-2013, 12:11 AM - Forum: Your Sites! - Replies (2)

So, as many of you know, my business' website is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://brandonsoft.com">http://brandonsoft.com</a><!-- m -->

Well, that website is beginning to look a little outdated and unprofessional, so I am working on a new visual upgrade that runs Wordpress as a CMS and focuses on linking all projects, blog posts, and content together as a single, stylish, streamlined unit.

You can see it here (Keep in mind it's still a WIP):
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://newdesign.brandonsoft.com/">http://newdesign.brandonsoft.com/</a><!-- m -->

What do you think?

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  New laptop (Asus K55N-DS81) quick review.
Posted by: brandonio21 - 06-20-2013, 12:09 AM - Forum: Computing - Replies (3)

So I recently got a new laptop, the Asus k55n-ds81, to use for college. The main purchasing points for me were its strong graphics card, cheap price, and slick design. On top of that, it is an ASUS laptop. I have used ASUS for a lot of things in the past (especially the motherboard on my gaming rig) and haven't had a problem with them since, so I really trust the brand. Anyway, the laptop can be found here:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.amazon.com/ASUS-K55N-DS81-15-6-Inch-Laptop-Black/dp/B00B7K11MI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1369282926&sr=8-1&keywords=K55N-DS81">http://www.amazon.com/ASUS-K55N-DS81-15 ... =K55N-DS81</a><!-- m -->

One of the first things I did with this laptop was upgrade the RAM from 4GB to 8GB, which gave it a noticeable speed improvement when doing basic tasks.The laptop has been able to run everything I throw at it really well. It runs Windows 8 like butter (I'm not a fan of the whole Metro thing, but it's very easy to ignore), runs League of Legends at 60fps on medium, runs Eclipse IDE and Visual Studio 2012 like a charm, and lacks bloatware. That's always nice. On top of all this, the thing is light, has a clear display, and looks semi-sleek.

Now I'm just kinda blabbing on about this laptop, but I wanted to also mention its battery life. It kinda sucks. As far as I can tell, its maximum battery life is about 2.4 hrs when doing basic webbrowsing. While playing games or developing, that battery life is reduced significantly. Since college hasn't started yet, I don't know how it will fare in class, but I'm hoping it can hold up for basic notetaking for atleast 2 hours.

Another small complaint is the color. Of course, black is cool, but it attracts fingerprints, grease stains, dust, and small white fuzzies you never knew existed from everywhere. After a day's use, the laptop is covered in small particles of who knows what on the lid, keyboard, and trackpad.

Did someone say trackpad? It's okay. Nothing special. The buttons are a tad hard to press, but other than that the DPI and sensitivity is fairly solid and the gestures built in work really well. The keyboard is also solid. The keys are easy to press, well positioned, and aren't too loud.

Overall, I have been very pleased with the $420 investment I made with this laptop. It has exceeded every expectation (except battery life). So there's my quick review.

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  Custom Theme
Posted by: Cecilio - 06-13-2013, 11:47 PM - Forum: Programming Help - Replies (3)

Hey there i'm a an intermediate to almost expert programmer for vb.net but can't seem to get one thing down. I want to create a custom theme from code by adding a class. I have seen other you tubers do it but only get so far and stop uploading more vids. Please help


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  Please Hepl me, Using Lists to Store Variables in Listview
Posted by: zekezuke - 06-07-2013, 02:12 AM - Forum: VB.NET (Visual Basic 2010/2008) - No Replies

Excuse me gentlemen, I am a beginner please help me.

I watched a video on you tube about the variable store http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJo4gbySk1Q, please give me a suggestion if I want to save but not pass textbox using listview.

all I have done exactly follow the tutorial, then I tried to enter data from the listview.

For Baris = 0 To ListView1.Items.Count - 1
Dim employee As clsEmployee = New clsEmployee((ListView1.Items(Baris).Text), (CInt(ListView1.Items(Baris).SubItems(1).Text)))

but it does not work, please suggestions gentlemen.
sorry in advance if I was presumptuous to ask.

------------------problem has been solved

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