04-26-2015, 01:44 PM
Ah, okay.. You're probably looking for something like this:
Please note that this is Pseudocode, because I do not know the official syntax of VB.NET DGV offhand:
This should check all of the cells for the values being searched and select only the rows containing that information.
Please note that this is Pseudocode, because I do not know the official syntax of VB.NET DGV offhand:
dvg.SelectionMode = FullRowSelect
For Each Row as DataGridViewRow in dvg.Rows
   For Each Cell as DataGridViewCell in Row.Cells
       If (Cell.Value.ToString().Equals(TextBox1.Text))
           Row.Selected = True
       End If
This should check all of the cells for the values being searched and select only the rows containing that information.