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  Trinity Webbrowser Tabb Bug
Posted by: manishshrestha60 - 01-02-2013, 02:48 PM - Forum: Revision Discussion - Replies (1)

So I found this bug. Whenever you open more than 8 or 9 tabs the title in the tab and the link doesn't match
[Image: 14jp6y1.png]

[Image: 2hzhjyv.png]

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  Trinity Webbrowser (With New Icons and Splash)
Posted by: yjy1110 - 12-30-2012, 10:24 AM - Forum: Revision Discussion - Replies (3)

Here is the brand new Icon:

[Image: 29q0azb.png]

And here is the splash screen <!-- sBig Grin --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt="Big Grin" title="Very Happy" /><!-- sBig Grin -->

[Image: 2udxdom.jpg]

Attached Files
.rar   Trinity WebBrowser (yjy1110_new_new_icon).rar (Size: 14 MB / Downloads: 519)
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  Batch to Executable Converter
Posted by: manishshrestha60 - 12-28-2012, 06:25 AM - Forum: Share your programs! - Replies (3)

I present you .bat to .exe converter. It takes about 15-30s to convert. It only about 300KB. This is the first and last version. I am pretty sure it doesn't have any bugs because I made it. You need .NET Framework 3.5 or higher is required to run this program.

[Image: j7bxu8.png]

Just to Make sure No Virus <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresult/a54d1b80c681dfd798a247f2f654ef42a807b2e0">http://virusscan.jotti.org/en/scanresul ... 42a807b2e0</a><!-- m -->

Attached Files
.zip   Batch Convertor - By ProMalwarel.zip (Size: 175.61 KB / Downloads: 745)
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  Trinity WebBrowser SEE (Improved Tabs)
Posted by: brandonio21 - 12-27-2012, 10:36 PM - Forum: Revision Discussion - Replies (5)

This is an updated version of the following revision:
<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="http://bpforums.info/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=734&p=2934&sid=95fa79b5ca424c2aef5e6e63fe19db3e#p2925">viewtopic.php?f=35&t=734&p=2934&sid=95fa79b5ca424c2aef5e6e63fe19db3e#p2925</a><!-- l -->

Here are some of the changes that have been made:

-Cleaned up the "AppCommands" file to be more functional
-Fixed semi-broken logic behind removing tabs
-Added right click menu for tab functionality
-Added dedicated "add tab" tab
-Tab tab tab tab tab tab

Download it here!
[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->Trinity WebBrowser (Snake Eyes Edit Revised).zip<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]

Old versions:
[attachment=1]<!-- ia1 -->Trinity WebBrowser (Snake Eyes Edit Revised).zip<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment]

Attached Files
.zip   Trinity WebBrowser (Snake Eyes Edit Revised).zip (Size: 15.67 MB / Downloads: 598)
.zip   Trinity WebBrowser (Snake Eyes Edit Revised).zip (Size: 15.68 MB / Downloads: 585)
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  Donor Payment Card Management System
Posted by: kismetgerald - 12-25-2012, 05:37 PM - Forum: Share your programs! - Replies (7)

Hey guys,

So as you all may know (or not) I'm very new to programming and to the VB language. Most of my online studies have come from Brandon's tutorials on Youtube.

With the knowledge gleamed from those tutorials, I've been able to put together an application that stores credit card information for our donors at Church. The application is working very well, but I'd like to add a new functionality that allows me to notify the donor via email that their card is about to expire.

I've studied the MailMessage and SmtpClient classes and been able to create and send a message successfully. But now I don't know how I'm going to do that from my application - i.e, to query the database for the cards that are expiring and then create an HTML formatted message that includes the relevant card information for each of the donors affected.

I was wondering if any of you would be willing to take a look at the entire solution and see what they can do to assist. Please let me know and I can make the source and sample DB available for use. Thanks.


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  Properties for UserControl
Posted by: brco900033 - 12-22-2012, 08:30 AM - Forum: Programming Help - Replies (4)

Hello everyone

I want to make a component for visual studio. This requires some properties so the user can edit them. I'm totally new with this so I have some questions. How can I make a property that gives the user the option to choose from a list (don't know exactly how to describe it so I took a pic, [attachment=1]<!-- ia1 -->Screenshot_1.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment]).

I have also a lot of properties that belong to one category, but how can I make such a category with the sub-catgs? [attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->Screenshot_2.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]

Thanks in advance!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  New Collab Project? Maybe?
Posted by: Derek275 - 12-15-2012, 09:01 PM - Forum: Share your programs! - Replies (4)

So, I've come up with the idea of making an all in one social media checker, so you don't have to have a tab for Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, MySpace(If anyone is still on it), you just open up Phoenix* and you'll have all your data, a universal post button to post it to all your accounts, support of RSS and maybe e-mail support. This may have been done before, but I still feel like trying it and seeing how well it may or may not catch on. I'm going to start programming a very simple beta release then upload it to a source control (Also, please inform me on which is the best and how to use it) and then we can start improving and making the next big program (Maybe... Probably not...)

*I'm no good at naming, so if anyone else has an idea... It's probably better than mine.

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  Trinity WebBrowser
Posted by: Snake_eyes - 12-13-2012, 01:47 AM - Forum: Revision Discussion - Replies (2)

Im not sure what version this is so i'll just call it "Snake Eyes edit version"

Change log:

  • Form1 and Form3 Cleaned up code
  • Added buttons on the status bar in Form3 instead of labels(they are added on runtime so the status bar is empty in the designer)
  • Added a module to handle tab creation for both Form1 and Form3 as well as loading history and bookmarks
  • Form style now saved and loaded under XML format
  • Fixed minor bugs

I am also working on saving and loading Bookmarks and History under Xml format

Waiting for your opinion... untill then Enjoy!!!

Attached Files
.rar   trinity(snake eyes edit version).rar (Size: 12.9 MB / Downloads: 510)
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Posted by: Derek275 - 12-12-2012, 07:00 PM - Forum: Related Discussion - Replies (3)

I was just wondering if anyone had thought of adding an Omnibox, like in Google Chrome. I have an idea on how to do some of it (Automatic searching if URL not found, displaying searches, ect.) but I might need help with stuff like displaying searches in one color, favorites in another, and recommended pages in another (And how to get a recommendation system going)

I was also thinking of moving the tabs to the tab, like most web browser, unless you want to keep it original. With the tabs on tab, it'll help isolate the program so if one web browser crashes, it won't cause the whole thing to go down (In theory) and to help keep track with the current page (I've noticed it doesn't change in the URL bar when you switch tabs, and this will fix it). But I don't have a copy of Krypton Navigator, so someone will have to change it in the Krypton version.

Just posting this to make sure it's OK with everybody and the changes won't enrage anyone.

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  How do I do this..?
Posted by: Ecnarf - 12-06-2012, 07:55 PM - Forum: Programming Help - Replies (1)

Ok so what I am trying to do is basically if a picturebox = a certain image then it will or wont do certain things depending on its image. I am making a custom UI for my program as I usually do but, I have never done what I am trying now. I am making some nice custom tabs but, would like it so they can tell which one is selected if they are over the one that isn't selected and are about to select it or if its just plain and not selected at all.

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